Bulk SMS needs no introduction. We all know that SMS stands for Short Messaging Service. Basically it means sending text messages from phone/laptop to another phone and when we send SMS to group of people then it called as Bulk SMS. To send SMS people use Bulk SMS service.
SMS has made communication convenient in the recent years. Personal communication became easier and marketing communications became more beneficial to companies. Marketing communications improve customer relations which in turn generates revenue. Bulk SMS is an active SMS channel used to send SMS to a large group of customers and is considered to be cheaper than messages sent from your phone. Sending messages in bulk gives it its name. It is better than conventional methods of marketing and email marketing. .
SMS has higher open rates than emails. They are opened within a few seconds upon receiving and customers are more likely to be aware of things that interests them. SMS has an advantage like none other, it can reach anyone anywhere anytime..
This included, it becomes the most desirable option for marketing. Bulk SMS is used to promote and improve sales. Continuing relations with customers is imperative and including them in everything new is favorable. Bulk SMS also serves as reminders to customers regarding important appointments. Some of the other include transaction messages and confirmation messages. That being said, it is time to incorporate bulk sms services into your business. However, it is essential you abide by the TRAI guidelines issued by the Government of India...